Wednesday, May 11, 2011

If I sat in the bleachers like the Quakes are playing...

  • Field positioning: The bleachers are pretty cozy, but we can free up some space on the aisle if we all squish up in the middle.  That way the opposing fans can come in and take advantage of the free seats with easy access to the concessions while we are falling over reach other on spilled beer in the middle.  I do not want to see two of our own players going for the same ball, not moving for a throw in, or Wondo playing defense.

  • Lose focus in the last 15 minutes: I spend most of the week sitting in comfy chairs - a nice sofa for the EPL matches on Saturday mornings; an ergonomically designed chair that supports my lower back at work  and a lounger on the deck on a sunny afternoon. None of these chairs builds up the necessary core strength needed for a full ninety minutes on a rock hard aluminum bleacher at Buck Shaw stadium.  There are some players on this team who appear to be unable to maintain their level of effort (fitness) or focus for the full 90 minutes.

  • Inch perfect passes:  Somehow, when we start out, we have a plan to navigate down the steps, down the path behind the goal and buy a beer, but somehow wind up with a bulgogi sandwich and a pretzel instead. The end result is that we’re even thirstier than when we set out.  The players seem to have lost confidence in the fundamental skills and plan of action that were on show in the first couple of games.

  • Making the playoffs: I can cruise Expedia all year, but if I don’t give up my hard earned cash, they won’t give me reservation for a playoff game.  Besides, if I don’t put some money in the bank soon, I won’t have enough saved up for the trip.  Time is running out to bank enough wins to make the post season.  


  1. Love the analogies!

    I'm not sure if the playoffs are good for soccer and regulation is even better.

    The way the Quakes are playing, I think that Frank is going to go bye bye soon-- if not by mid-season.

    I don't know how many more shifts in the inline up he is going to make. Nothing seems to be working.

    I just don't get the fact that we had four forwards and could only score one goal! Lenhart was in pain! He should have been taken out and had Convey or someone else take his place.

    I'm still a Quakes fan but when you see so much of the obvious not being addressed, it drives you man!

  2. to me the most important thing is finishing. opta sports published a pre-game stat yesterday that we have the worst finishing % in the league so far this year. it continued yesterday with a ton of shots that we did not finish. Coach needs to schedule some extra finishing practice. This is one thing a lot of MLS graduates say is a big difference in europe... there is much more focus on finishing a high % of your shots in europe.

  3. Thanks for the comments - somehow I didn't get (or see) the second comment until 05/21.

    In the meantime the finishing does seem to have improved with the Columbus game - let's hope that keeps up.

    If you like stats, I also saw some interesting stats from the MLS Castrol Index (
